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Connect Revolution Pi to read/write data to s7-1200

Posted: 20 Jun 2018, 21:09
by mtlubins
This is my first post so i would like to say hello to everyone :)
I'm working as a javascript developer so i'm not a professional in automation and i'm looking for really base help.
I'm going to create my diy home hobby project (a small home automation system) using s7-1200 as a controller. My idea is to connect Revolution Pi to s7-1200 to read (later also write) data and forward it from 'production' lan to my http rest api
server - i was thinking about AWS.
My question is what i need to buy to make such a connection. I will be grateful for any pro tip, how to do this.
All best for you,

Re: Connect Revolution Pi to read/write data to s7-1200

Posted: 21 Jun 2018, 16:33
by dirk
Hello Matthew, welcome on Board!
You may use a setup with a RevPi Core Module, a RevPi7 Virtual Module and AWS Greengrass.

When using the RevPi7 Virtual Module on the RevPi you are able to access data on the S7-1200 SPS.
This module is free for non commercial use. Currently it is not yet available out of the box with the RevPi.
It will be available with the next rollout of our RevPi "Stretch" image.

In order to push data to the cloud you may install AWS Greengrass. If you have questions on Greengrass
you have to ask there directly as we cannot give you support on that project. But it is ported to the RevPi Project
and thus you may write data to the cloud simply by writing to the process image of the RevPi.

For the coding you may use Python or C/C++. We here prefer Python as it is easy to learn and works like a charm. :)

Re: Connect Revolution Pi to read/write data to s7-1200

Posted: 22 Jun 2018, 19:36
by mtlubins
Thanks a lot :) i'm looking forward RevPi7 Virtual Module realase then