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RevPi Connect - Webpage/Connection Error

Posted: 07 Aug 2020, 10:09
by PTowle
Hello all,
Is there an error on the RevPi Connect page ( ... i-connect/) showing the orientation of the PiBridge/Connect links (3)/(5)??
The illustration shows the top of the module (with the module front at the bottom of the illustration) & says that (3) the PiBridge Connector (shown on the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the illustration ) ..... must be connected to the expansion modules .....on the left hand side.
Conversely, the description for the 'Connect' connection (5) (on the left-hand side!) describes its modules being connected on the right-hand side.
It looks as if (3)/(5) have been flipped on this diagram.
Can someone please check/confirm/correct the webpage?

Re: RevPi Connect - Webpage/Connection Error

Posted: 10 Aug 2020, 10:24
by dirk
Hello PTowle, you are right this is a bug in our documentation. We'll clarify this and fix it as soon as possible. Thank you for your notice.
The descriptions of (3) and (5) have to be switched.

Re: RevPi Connect - Webpage/Connection Error

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 08:37
by dirk
Hi we have corrected the documentation. Thank you for your feedback.