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Node Red node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes broke host field in TCP in/out

Posted: 31 May 2020, 13:16
by raph

After installing the node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes packed the host fields in de TCP in and out nodes disapered. Wen I deinstall the nodes it comsback but niet while node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes is installed.

Is ther a solution for this problem?

kind gerards,


Re: Node Red node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes broke host field in TCP in/out

Posted: 31 May 2020, 14:42
by raph
small update,

The installation of theis packed briks al field that show after changing a option,
I cant set de repeat time of an inject function.


Re: Node Red node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes broke host field in TCP in/out

Posted: 02 Jun 2020, 14:51
by dirk
Hi, I have moved your posts here in this new created forum so that the specialists can help you here. Thank you for your patience.

Re: Node Red node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes broke host field in TCP in/out

Posted: 03 Jun 2020, 14:25
by jgerlach-erminas
Hi Raphael,
thanks for reporting this issue. Have you installed the newest versions of the node red package and server backend? Please check in the palette manager in Node-RED if the package node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes has version 1.0.6. Then in your command line shell update the server with
sudo apt update
sudo apt install noderedrevpinodes-server

It should update the server to the newest release 1.0.1.
After updating try again and leave a comment if anything has changed.